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The purpose of this blog is for my personal use. It serves as my personal diary as I investigate Chinese internet/gaming companies for investment purpose. If you have any comments or disagreement, please give me feedbacks.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Status on TX2

My previous post on TX2 is as follows:


On 9/25/2007, to celebrate Chinese moon festival, TX2’s design team gave a 12 point brief description of the new TX2.

As you remember, TX2 was in the middle of open beta before it is yank back into development again. The chief designer was replaced and the whole development team had been revamped. From what I understand, a lot of old team are still there, but they added many new members.

The link to the new info on TX2 is as follows:


I attached the original text in Chinese and my translation as follows:











新的灵兽系统主要是将坐骑作为一个长期陪伴玩家游戏的宠物存在。它不能帮助玩家战斗, 但可以给玩家强力的属性加成,甚至是新的技能,给玩家快速的移动,还可以通过级别的增长带来外形的不同变化,甚至还可以牵着自己的灵兽到处遛遛和别人的坐 骑比拼一下谁的比较华丽。想象一下,你将一个灵兽蛋慢慢的孵化、喂养,最终成为了一只可以自由飞行的全身战甲的神兽或者全身被云雾笼罩的仙兽,伴随你在大 荒世界中四处与妖魔战斗,这个过程的体验将会非常有趣。至于我们将开放的灵兽数量暂时卖个关子,不过大家可以放心的是绝对有足够丰富的种类供大家选择。


城市战争在二测开始时暂时不会有,因为这次调整涉及大量底层内容的调整例如装备结构、 经济系统、任务系统等,所以我们会将势力相关的多人玩法放在这些基础内容稳定以后再放出。请大家相信,光是这些基础的个人玩法都能够大家玩上很长一阵子 了。紧接着还会有资料片等等内容。我们有了一测时候多人玩法所积累的经验,不日我们再次推出的势力、团队玩法一定会让大家满意的。










2.其 实大家所关心的风格问题不用太多担心的,开发组不会将天下贰变为外国游戏,例如大家所谈到的一些使用了某某元素很像哪国的东西等等,在游戏制作中更多的考 虑是游戏性,世界上的元素全部变成了可创造和利用的对象,但绝不以为着我们走向西方了。在天下贰中大家看到的还是我们本土的文化和感人的大荒故事。














本帖最后由 不见长安 2007-9-25 17:07 编辑


The following is my brief translation:

  1. Skill systems will be completely reworked, especially the close-combat system.
  2. The storyline will be completely rewritten. There will be tremendous amount of tasks in the storyline.
  3. Talks about the pet, horse, or other animals. Some may be able to fly.
  4. There will not be castle siege during the open beta. Shortly after the commercial operation, there will be an expansion pact. Castle siege system won’t be ready until after that.
  5. The biggest change from the current (1st stage open beta) system is the economy system.
  6. Talks about the life skill system.
  7. Talks about how to use mouse and keyboard for game control.
  8. The game is reworked with the latest version of Bigworld engine, version 1.8.
  9. It will give more chance for the users to use different types of clothes.
  10. Player characters will have more facial animation.
  11. The special emphasis is on game engine resource optimization. Every piece of software code was written with this in mind.
  12. Expect (hope) to have the 2nd stage of open beta by the end of the year. There will be a short close beta before that.

If you recall from my previous article:


I mentioned that NTES shall give the new TX2 designers 9 to 12 months to revamp the game. If the new TX2 goes open beta at year end, that means commercial operation around February. That will be about 9 months, as I had hoped.

The old TX2 is centered around gang warfare and castle siege. I said it would be a niche game. I said I hope the TX2 could be a WOW clone instead and thus cater to the main stream players.

From above, the castle siege won’t be ready well into commercial operation. The new TX2 will have a complicated and novel like main storylines. In addition, TX2 will have many side quests. From the way it goes, it does seem like they are positioning TX2 as a WOW clone. Again, they are doing what I had hoped.

I am a little surprised that they are reworking the game engine. I didn’t think they would have enough time. That is a lot of work for such a short time.

One big problem they faced before is that the game was too computer intensive that only players with fast computer can play. This is clearly the emphasis for the new TX2 development. This basically means the whole computer code have to be revamped. Together with the new game engine, hopefully, they can solve this problem once and for all.

Because this problem is mostly caused by the fact that the player computer needs to reflect thousands of players movement, two other factors that would help the new TX2. One year later means more players will have more updated computers. In addition, as TX2 adds more side quests. These side quests are basically just single player game in disguise and will not contribute to players congestion.

A side benefit is that now the players can have vastly different equipments and costumes. A fantasy world of 5000 players with 5000 different costumes is much harder on the computer than a fantasy world of 5000 players with the same costume.

It was one of the major complaints by the players that they can’t have many choices of character costumes. Now, it looks like this will be fixed.

From the way the design team is going, it has the making of a major game. China needs a WOW-clone. It looks like TX2 is going to be one.

Now, the only thing that can set TX2 back is that it will most likely be a paying game. With all the free-to-play games on the market, life will be very unforgiving for a paying game.

The next 6 to 9 months is going to be the make or break time for NTES. They just came out with a major expansion pact for XYQ. XY3 just went into commercial operation. Most likely before the end of the year, XY3 will start the XY2 to XY3 conversion.

Then, by the end of the year, TX2 will go into open beta with commercial operation 1 to 2 months afterward. TX2 will be positioned to compete directly with WOW.

By about the same time, we will probably see NTES’s first free-to-play game, Fly for Fun 2 (FF2). Most likely FF2 will go into open beta and commercial operation in the late 1st quarter 2008.

In the 2nd quarter 2008, we would most like see the open beta for the next NTES’s major game, DT2.

It won’t surprise me that by the 2nd half of next year, we will see NTES with 3 or 4 major hits.

By the way, there are major news on XY2 and XY3. I hope I will have the time to write them up in the next few days.

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